If you have conducted a COVID-19 risk assessment and lowered the risk of infection as much as is reasonably practical, you may now be wondering whether you qualify for some kind of infection control certificate.

Whether your business is in the process of reopening or you've continued operating throughout the COVID-19 crisis, it's important to comply with the UK government's guidance and best practices.
Our Infection Prevention and Control Management System is designed to help you do just that. Upon completion of implementation, we provide a rating certificate that you can display in the workplace to demonstrate your compliance with current coronavirus guidelines.

At the beginning of this year, you probably would have been hard-pressed to find a business owner who considered infection control a priority.
Now, thanks to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the question of infection prevention and control is virtually inescapable. Many bosses are anxiously wondering what measures they will need to implement in order to safely return their staff to work - for example, 'hot desking' may no longer be an option, and individuals will ideally need to be kept at least 2 metres apart at all times.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has come as a wake-up call to organisations all over the world. Business owners aren't just striving to weather the current storm - they're also looking for ways to be better prepared should something like this happen again.

Two terms we frequently come across here at ISO Accelerator - and which many people seem to get mixed up - are remote ISO audit and remote ISO assessment.
Let's take a quick look at what those two phrases mean. They're not entirely synonymous, so it's useful to know the difference.