With coronavirus cases falling, office-based work is making a comeback in the UK. In England, the government is no longer telling people to work from home where possible, and Scotland will be following suit next week. Working from home is still recommended in Northern Ireland, and at time of writing, it remains a requirement in Wales - although this will move "from law to guidance" on Friday 28 January.
Thousands of British workers are already back in the office - journeys on the London Underground reportedly increased by 8% as soon as the rules were relaxed in England - and many more will soon join them.
However, this certainly does not spell the end for remote working in the UK. Many companies and their employees will undoubtedly continue to work from home regardless of government guidance; for example, The Law Society Gazette conducted a survey of 30 top law firms and found that "the vast majority are either leaving staff to decide whether they work from home or allowing them to work flexibly at least two days a week". It's clear that COVID-19 has irreversibly changed Britain's relationship with the workplace, so don't expect to see the back of home / hybrid working any time soon.
Here at ISO Accelerator, remote is just how we do things.
Even as some of our clients return to the traditional office-based mode of working, we at ISO Accelerator will continue to conduct all of our audits remotely.
This has nothing to do with the pandemic - whether coronavirus cases are going up or down, remote auditing is the preferable option in every way. Here are just a few of the reasons why:
- Remote certification is fast, saving precious time
- Our method reduces certification costs for your business
- It's also better for the environment - we've taken dozens of auditors off the road
If you need ISO 9001 certification, contact ISO Accelerator today to find out how we can help you.
LEARN MORE: How Does Remote Certification Work?
Photo from Pixabay