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Transfer ISO certification body

The cost of ISO 9001 certification can vary quite dramatically depending on your choice of certification body. There are dozens of accredited certification bodies in the United Kingdom alone, and it's important to choose a certification body that offers the right level of accreditation for your requirements.

ISO Accelerator offers accredited independent certification at a very competitive price. We also charge annually, so there is no need to tie yourself into a lengthy 3 to 10 year contract. More info about our accreditation can be found here:

The good news is that, if you're unhappy with your current certification provider, it's relatively easy to transfer your existing certification to a different certification body.


The world

World Accreditation Day takes place on the 9th of June every year. Established by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), this annual event aims to raise awareness of the value of accreditation.

The theme for World Accreditation Day 2021 is 'Accreditation: Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)'.
