Small companies can take action in 2020 to help solve the climate emergency by switching to a sustainable certification company like ISO Accelerator.
Traditional methods of achieving ISO accreditation involve the accreditor taking time out to conduct multiple consultation sessions and site visits. Depending on where the accreditor and applying organisation are based, of course, this could potentially involve hours of travel, resulting in not just time and money expenses, but unnecessary damage to the environment through various methods of travel and the use of resources.
With ISO Accelerator, however, these arduous, time-consuming and damaging processes are completely eliminated through our accreditation programme. Our online process allows smaller organisations to apply for and gain ISO accreditation without ever having to leave their premises, reducing the potential impact on the environment.
But it doesn’t end there. Not only can you achieve a more sustainable accreditation, but accreditation itself will enable your business to become more sustainable through the implementation of more efficiency-based procedures. A sustainable accreditation process married with a sustainable outcome.
To learn more about how our accreditation process works, click here. If you would like to take the first steps to switch to a more sustainable certification company like ISOA, click below or contact us today.
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