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ISO 9001 is a widely-recognised worldwide standard that organisations can use to achieve continuous improvement and demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction. In order to achieve ISO 9001 certification, a business must first develop and implement a stringent quality management system (QMS).

The implementation of a QMS is often a strategic decision. An effective quality management system can help an organisation to...

  • Demonstrate their ability to consistently provide high-quality products and services
  • Improve customer satisfaction

If the QMS fulfils the requirements of ISO 9001, the company can then obtain independent certification in order to demonstrate this to potential customers.

But is ISO 9001 certification still relevant in the year 2023? Do decision-makers still look for the ISO certificate when seeking companies to do business with, or is it a relic of a different time? With the help of the Internet, we can now find out almost anything about a given company with just a few keystrokes - so is there any reason for businesses to go to the trouble of getting certified in this day and age?


Why ISO certification still matters

The truth is that, while the web has made information easier to find than ever before, it can still be difficult to tell genuinely high-quality businesses from their third-rate competitors. Anyone can set up a website and tell the world that they offer a particular product or service, but ISO 9001 certification demonstrates that your business has customer-focused processes in place and is dedicated to the pursuit of continuous improvement.

SEE ALSO: When Is The Next ISO 9001 Update?

Remote working used to be somewhat unusual, but the COVID-19 pandemic made it commonplace. In the past, when establishing a business relationship with a new client, supplier or service provider, you might have visited their head office and met key individuals in person; that is less feasible nowadays, so it's more important than ever to have a reliable means of evaluating a company's quality. ISO 9001:2015 certification can help you to achieve that.

If you would like to obtain ISO 9001:2015 certification for your business, ISO Accelerator can help you to get certified quickly while minimising costs. Click here to get started!

How Our Remote ISO Certification Process Works

Originally published 22 April 2021. Updated 2 February 2023. Image from Pixabay.